Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


I Don’t Swear Anymore

Filed under: Musings on Being a Writer — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

I was looking over some of my old entries and I realized something different about them. I don’t swear anymore. Sure, I swear when I speak, but in my entries, I don’t swear anymore.

I don’t know when this habit started.

In fact, I find that I don’t swear as much when I speak either. I usually swear for comedic effect, but that punch is ineffective online. You can’t hear people laugh uncomfortably online. Sometimes an uncomfortable laugh is better than a blank stare. Online, everything is a blank stare, no matter how much you swear.

I find it an interesting trend in my writing. I always thought writers were censored until they were washed clean of swearing, but the more I write, the more I realize that swearing is just lazy communication. Shock is easier to ellict than empathy and I used to settle for shock in everything I did, but it’s not enough anymore.


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