Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Twitter Log: 2007-11-29

Filed under: Twitter Log — @ 11:59 pm
  • Back from Vegas. See you all at the Blogger Dinner tomorrow night! #
  • @libel_vox I told you SF is always watching. #
  • Hey guys… Any of you know about this? http://www.uplej.com/ Saw a billboard in UT County. Wondering if we know who’s behind it. #
  • @libel_vox I thought the same thing. Have you heard about it before now or is it new on you? #
  • @libel_vox Me neither. Are we out of the loop or are they? #
  • @libel_vox I’m just wondering how they figure that walking backwards can help you and others… #
  • @libel_vox I guess I shoulda gone to that conference… #
  • @libel_vox Cool! I guess it’s not too late! Can grownups go? I guess we could call CodeAway a "school." Only $10! #
  • Tired. Time to go to bed. Twitter off. #
  • Good morning, Twitches! I need more sleep, but I need to get things done that feel more important than sleep. #
  • Cutest Game EVAR! Thanks, Ladanea! http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g3/bells.htm #

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