Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Why, yes… Yes, I can.

Filed under: Art and Photography,Linda,Our Pets — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

Can you do this with your cat?

Back in October, Dooce posted this picture with the phrase, “Can you do this with your cat?” It took me over a month, but the answer is, “Why, yes… Yes, I can.”

Why, yes... Yes, I can.

What I didn’t get a picture of was Sid, the dog, hovering over Linda because there was a doggie treat on her head. He’s so scared of her that he didn’t dare reach over to get it, even when we told him it was okay. In the firey ending, Linda hissed at him and ran away, leaving the treat in her wake. Sid gladly ate the discarded treat and Linda glared at me from the other side of the room.

It was totally worth it…


1 Comment »

  1. Ha ! I used to put bits of hot dogs on my old dogs head. He’s gone but the memories remain.

    Comment by Gene M — 11/19/2005 @ 8:55 am

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