Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


New Year’s Resolutions 2005: Recap

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

These were my New Year’s Resolutions for 2005:
I will weigh 130 pounds.
I will have finished writing Looking for Christ.
I will have paid at least $2,500 a month to the IRS.

It seems like most people forget about their resolutions during the year and don’t remember they had anything to say about them until December 31st. Well, here we are. I remember vividly what I said I would do. How am I doing now?

I will weigh 130 pounds.

I don’t weigh 130 pounds. Last year at this time, I weighed 170 pounds and I wanted to be at goal by now. I’m not. I weigh 154 pounds right now. I’ve lost a total of 16 pounds over the year, which is good, considering that I would have gained that much and more if I hadn’t worked so hard this year. I didn’t make this resolution, but I am 16 pounds closer to it. I’m happy!

I will have finished writing Looking for Christ.

I haven’t even finished one more chapter on this book. When I did NanoWrimo in 2004, it really burned me out on fiction writing. LFC has sat dormant for over a year now. I have the rest of the book mapped out, but I haven’t wanted to write fiction for quite a while. It’s supposed to be fun, so I’m not going to worry about this until it’s fun again. NanoWrimo got a lot of writing out of me, but it burned me out. I’ll come back to this when I’m ready.

The main reason I started writing this book is because it was haunting me. It’s not haunting me as much as it did before. I’ll start writing again if it won’t leave me alone. Otherwise, I’m happy to leave it as it is.

I will have paid at least $2,500 a month to the IRS.

This is the one resolution that I succeeded on. We still owe a lot to the IRS. We are still working our butts off to pay them. We actually paid a lot more than $2.5K a month, so I’m very proud of us for our accomplishment this year. Yeah!

This year has been hard for us, but I’m glad that I’m here and happy. Hard work is good. Growing is good. Paying off debt is good. I want many more successful and happy years to come. Thanks to all you readers out there who give me notes of support. I appreciate each and every one of you. I hope you enjoy my writing next year.


1 Comment »

  1. Holy cow, you have been doing a lot. Congratulations! Happy New Year!!! :)

    Comment by Braidwood — 1/1/2006 @ 9:53 am

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