Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Self Portrait Tuesday: My Vitamin Bottles

Filed under: Art and Photography — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

My Vitamin Bottles by Laura Moncur 05-17-06

Every day I brush my teeth. My eyes wander as I perform this mundane task and they inevitably fall to these vitamin bottles. Every day I notice that my vitamins are “expired.” In reality they’re not. Those bottles are OLD, but the vitamins within them are from the huge bottle that I bought at Costco only a month or so ago. The vitamins aren’t expired; the bottles are.

Still, my mind panics every time I see that expiration date on the multi-vitamins. In a couple of months, even the calcium will be “expired.” Every day I will have a tiny jolt of worry while I brush my teeth.

I should take a Sharpie and mark out the expiration dates…


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