Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


JPG Magazine Submission: Eats, Nevada

Filed under: Art and Photography — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

If you haven’t picked up a copy of JPG Magazine, you might be surprised to know that the entire magazine is filled with reader submitted photos. The other day, I submitted a couple of mine.

JPG Magazine Submission: Eats, Nevada

There used to be a collection of small cabins just south of Las Vegas. I got this picture right before they were demolished. I wish I could have eaten there. I wonder how the food tasted. I imagine that the waitress would be surly and the heat stifling, her hair clinging to the back of her neck in swirls. Hunter Thompson would stagger in, disoriented on his way to Las Vegas. I would pretend to ignore him and never realize my brush with greatness while the useless fan whirred in the background.

JPG Magazine Submission: Follow the Arrows

They bulldozed this sign back in aught-six. I’m still greiving the loss. The arrows pointed to the array of cabins and the little cafe. I followed the arrows, but there were no longer any food or rest. Just empty buildings surrounded by chainlink and “No Trespassing” signs. Did I trespass? No, but it was peer pressure, not fear of the law that kept me on the legal side of the fence. I tried to follow the arrows, but they stopped me.

Do you like these photos? Vote for them on JPG and they might show up in their magazine. Check out what everyone else submitted.

For more info on Eats, Nevada:


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