Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


The iPod Cozy Is A Collosal Failure

Filed under: Art and Photography — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

The iPod Cozy is a collosal failure…Sometimes I create something from scratch and it works out great. Sometimes it’s even better than I expected. Other times, I create something that is barely passable as a cat toy and that’s only if I stuff the thing with catnip to entice them.

Enter Exhibit A: The iPod Cozy. When I was creating this, I imagined a great little cover for my iPod that would be fuzzy and fun. Instead, it’s ill-fitting and awkward. Where did I go wrong? I’m not quite sure and I don’t care enough to figure it out. In the end, I really do prefer my iPod unCozied because it slides into my pocket easily.

It seemed like such a good idea at the time…

Here is my latest creation that actually DID work out well (after two or three experiments):


1 Comment »

  1. Oh my, I needed that laugh this morning. The craft force runs strong in you. Steve

    Comment by Steve — 4/11/2007 @ 7:06 am

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