Twitter Log: 2007-04-23
- Good morning, twitches! I’m still on “Gonna Go To Disneyland!!!” Time. I’m hoping to keep waking up this early. I like getting a good start! #
- @ Phil801 Just lace up and run 1 mile. Getting out the door is the hardest part. #
- Deleting porn spam from the Quotations Forum. Why, why, why must I be bombarded with those images every day?! #
- @ ThomAllen Good job, citizen! We’ve lost too many good people to drunk drivers. #
- Wrote 2 blog entries, read some RSS and now I’m going to go for a run. #
- Anyone going to the Machinima Festival on Wed? #
- @ libel_vox ecommerce engine? What’s that? #
- @ libel_vox Oh… Mike said they all suck and wrote his own… #
- @ libel_vox I don’t know. See the SF DVDs to see what he did: #
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