Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Find The Grammatical Errors

Filed under: Art and Photography — Laura Moncur @ 10:06 am

Find The Grammatical Errors from Flickr

Someone corrected one of the errors, but there are at least two others. Mike says that seeing grammar corrected signs gives him hope in humanity. I think the company that printed the sign should be sued. How could they let it go out the door with three grammatical errors?



  1. I think it is hilarious that that gives Mike hope for humanity! :) I take whatever little signs I can take, myself. Hey, speaking of grammar, what do you do with two “that”s in a row?

    Comment by B. — 5/15/2007 @ 10:21 am

  2. Now find the three grammatical errors in MY entry. :)

    Comment by Laura Moncur — 5/15/2007 @ 10:24 am

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