Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


No iPhone For Me

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

iPhone My TreoI put the iPhone clownfish wallpaper on my Treo, but that didn’t magically change it into an iPhone. Palm told me I could play videos and music on my phone, but the hurdle to jump to get it to work is so frustrating that even I don’t want to fiddle with it anymore.

I used my iPhone money to buy a Mac because I realized that the iPhone wouldn’t be good enough for me. Sadly, my current phone isn’t good enough for me either. I can either get my laptop online with my phone, or I can easily play videos and listen to music on it. I can’t have both right now.

I’m not shelling out 700 smackers for a phone that won’t get my laptop online, but I’m still jealous of all those people who don’t need to use their cell phone to its limits.

I had a dream that everyone was getting an iPhone except me. The truth is, we have enough money to buy one, but I’m not going to spend my money on a phone that isn’t enough.

I changed the wallpaper on my Treo, but that doesn’t make it an iPhone. I’ll be glad I kept the Treo the next time we’re stuck in the boonies and can’t get Internet service. I just have to keep remembering those times.

I’m still going to go to the iPhone World Premiere at the Apple Store, though. I don’t want to miss out on the excitement, even though I have to miss out on the ownership.



  1. Obviously I know zero about your monthly expenditure requirements, but I gave up YEARS ago using my cell as a modem. I use a Verizon aircard, even using the same system it WAY outperforms the phone. I went with Verizon even though my phones were at the time Cingular (since switched, may or may not have been a good move) because of Verizon’s network coverage. So, get your iPhone and an aircard and have the best of all worlds. Just the ramblings of a fellow electron abuser.

    Comment by Steve — 6/29/2007 @ 10:16 am

  2. Steve,

    The Treo works like a dream as a USB modem. I was never able to get the bluetooth connectivity to work, but when I connect the phone to my computer with the sync cable, it’s amazing, even on Sprint’s slower network.

    I also just got an email from Kinoma saying that they support YouTube with their new player, so I’m downloading that to see if it will work.

    Maybe I’m not so sad about the iPhone…


    Comment by Laura Moncur — 6/29/2007 @ 11:03 am

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