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A weblog by Laura Moncur


I Don’t Do Bad Reviews

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

Self Portrait Saturday 11-24-07 from FlickrI have this little philosophy about writing. I don’t do bad reviews. I feel like there are so many good things out in the world to rave about that I don’t need to waste my time on the bad things.

Man, we had a bad experience at Buffalo Bill’s Hotel and Casino. I would write about it on Starling Travel, but I have that pesky policy about not writing bad reviews.

I blew off steam with Mike, Stacey and Dan with a Warp Core Breach at Quarks Bar at the Las Vegas Hilton on Friday night and yesterday we checked out of Buffalo Bill’s and checked into the Las Vegas Hilton because of it.

Update 11-29-07: Okay, I DO do bad reviews. They sent me a survey email and the stupid thing crashed, so I wasn’t able to tell them about our awful experience. I told the Internet instead:


1 Comment »

  1. Unfortunately, I DO do bad reviews, as well as good ones because I’m paid to! Fortunately most of the things I review get good reviews.

    Comment by Bev — 11/25/2007 @ 10:02 am

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