Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


A Lazy Day in Vegas

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

Self Portrait Sunday 11-25-07 from FlickrWhat did we do today? We woke up late. I’m not talking normal late. We woke up really late, like 10 am. Then we stayed in bed for about an hour after that.

Hunger got us out of bed and to the nearest El Pollo Loco. Spicy chicken and flan. They’ve added chicken tamales to the menu, so we had to try them.

We dropped off some mail at the post office, and then hit Fry’s Electronics. We made the mistake of going there on the day after Thanksgiving. They were swamped with people and they had sixty checkout registers open and every single one of them busy. Today, however, it was just a normal crowd. I was able to look at all the geek toys for as long as I wanted.

Then we drove around, trying to think of what to do. What did we decide? We went to Von’s grocery store. We didn’t really need anything. We just like looking at grocery stores in different parts of the country.

Dinner at the hotel cafe and time on the computer. We played some video games on the DS against each other and now I’m typing. Mike is practicing guitar.

After two very busy days in Las Vegas, it’s so nice to just be lazy.


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