Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Bottlecaps for Bert

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

Bottlecaps for Bert from Flickr

A Drunken Moment in the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel room.

“Hey, don’t throw those away.”

“Why not?”

“I’m savin’ ’em for Bert.”


“Yeah, they’re not as good as Figgy Fizz, but I think he’d like them.”

“Oh, BERT…”

“Yeah, he’d be all like ‘Z’ and ‘N’.”

“No more Zima for you.”

That night I realized that I can never meet Bert or Ernie. They are IMAGINARY. I can’t go to Sesame Street and give Bert the bottlecaps I’ve been saving for him over the years because he doesn’t exist. The little girl inside of me is really sad about that.


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