Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Full to the Gills

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 3:24 pm

For the last week, Kristen has been staying with us. Today, in
addition to taking care of her, we are watching Matt’s daughters. He
and Melanie are leaving for China tonight to finally pick up the boy
that they have been trying to adopt for the last year. We thought the
trip was going to be cancelled because of the earthquakes, but at the
last minute, they were given permission to come and get him. Mike and
I usually lead a quiet existence, so the addition if three humans into
our house is a shocking change. I’m ready for naptime for the girls
and I’ve only had them for a couple of hours. How did I already get
full to the gills?


1 Comment »

  1. Do you have a yard? Because if you have a yard, everything will work out. Buy two plastic pools at Walmart, one for sand, one for water. The End.

    Good luck. Maybe also some princess costumes?

    Comment by WhatAboutMom — 6/10/2008 @ 8:21 pm

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