Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Joy of Tech: Who are they talking about?

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 12:00 pm

Click to see full size Joy of TechMaybe I’m clueless, but who are they talking about in this comic?

Is it just a random guy or are they digging at someone in particular? They are usually pretty good at making their “victims” look like themselves, so maybe this is just some random guy.

Whenever I talk about the Quotations Page, I feel like I’m this guy. I’m really proud of our site, but in the whole of society, it doesn’t make a big dent.

Who do YOU think they SHOULD be talking about?



  1. I don’t get it either. I think it’s just supposed to be a random guy, and It’s probably also supposed to be funny.

    Joy of Tech works best when it involves Steve Jobs.

    Comment by Michael Moncur — 8/26/2008 @ 11:13 pm

  2. The character in the comic is meant to be a generic person, and he is one of our stock characters

    … but yes, this particular comic was inspired by someone, and no, we’re not telling who. :-D

    Comment by Snaggy — 8/27/2008 @ 9:13 am

  3. I can think of about half a dozen people I could fit into that character… ;)

    Comment by Susan — 8/28/2008 @ 1:29 pm

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