Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


The Tragic Black Hair Incident

Filed under: Personal History,Puttin' On The Ritz — Laura Moncur @ 7:11 am

Back in 1988, I dyed my hair black. It was a mistake and I immediately regretted it. Only a couple photos survive from the Tragic Black Hair Incident. Here they are.

Stacey, Travis & Laura on the Teacups from Flickr

After dyeing my hair black, I immediately regretted it. It took me a week working at K-Mart to earn enough money to get it un-dyed, but even then, my hair was wrong, wrong, wrong.

Doesn’t Stacey look adorable, though?

Steff, Laura & Dawni at the Ritz from Flickr

I had to live with that horrible black hair for a long time. You can’t tell from the photo, but my hair had grown out some by then. I had a large swath of light brown hair at the roots.

I eventually let it grow out about six inches (it took a year) and cut it all off to get rid of the black.

I have never dyed my hair since then, not even to add highlights.


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