Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Why I’m Not A Real Estate Agent Anymore

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

I can’t believe how many people thought that doing things like this was acceptable. This video is set in a restaurant, a video store and a barber shop to show how INSANE it is to tell your real estate agent to take less commission.

The truth is, people do this to all kinds of tradesmen: plumbers, web developers and programmers. You wouldn’t walk into Wal-Mart and tell them that you wanted them to take half off the price of the pants, would you? Then why do you think it’s alright to do it to your landscaper?

This isn’t about negotiation. This is about paying for services rendered.

I found that if a client tried to negotiate down my commission when I listed the property that their ungrateful minds would think that it was alright to do it AGAIN when I sold their house for them. By the time I was at the end of my real estate career, I would just walk out on clients that even talked about negotiating the commission. They weren’t worth my time.

I’m so glad that I don’t have to deal with people like that anymore.

Via: BloomBurst – The Vox Pop Design Blog » Blog Archive » ‘Do it Now and We’ll Add it to the Next Invoice’



  1. oh, FUNNY! When I worked at the LawnCare Company, we had soooo many customers who tried to get out of paying for at least one service a season. Since it was “satisfaction based” everything was open to interpretation! After awhile you get a 6th sense for smoozers.

    Comment by Katie — 5/30/2009 @ 10:50 am

  2. if you think its wrong to negotiate prices then i can understand why you’re not a real estate agent anymore. You would have been a really bad one. All over the world its common to negotiate prices, its called “good business” maybe if you had a brain you would understand that.

    Comment by brad — 7/15/2009 @ 2:28 pm

  3. I’m not talking about negotiation. Negotiation is what happens BEFORE you receive services. What these people in the commercial (and others do in “real” life) is try to not pay when they have already received the services.

    “Good business” is paying your bills when they come due.

    Too many people think that renegotiating and reneging on their promises are the same thing.

    Comment by Laura Moncur — 7/15/2009 @ 2:45 pm

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