The Friday Five
1. What is your favorite summer activity?
I love to roller skate, which is really hard to do here in the winter with all the snow. I also like to ride my bike and walk all over town, which is also something that I shy away from during the winter. I loved going camping this year. Snowbird in the summer is so fun with the animals and the beautiful mountains. I really can’t choose a favorite summer activity because there are so many to choose from. I’m going to miss summer this year.
2. What was one great thing you did this summer?
The one great thing I did this summer was going camping for the first time in my life. I’m thirty-five years old and I was raised by two women who had absolutely no interest in “roughing it.†Both Mom and Carol had worked at Gibson’s Discount Center in the Sporting Goods department. They could have picked the best tents and showed us the best long underwear back in 1983, but they had no desire to camp. Stacey and I were severely camp-deficient. Stacey went camping a lot a few years ago, but I had never tried it until this year. I love it and it wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be.
3. When you were a child, what was your favorite summer activity?
Swimming! I could have stayed in the swimming pool all day every day all summer long if my Grandma had only let me. As it was, she let us swim almost every day (not counting swimming lessons). We also had swimming lessons Monday through Friday at Rose Park in Billings, Montana. We also had baton, dance, tumbling and tennis lessons, but swimming was my favorite.
4. What has been your favorite summer vacation?
I think my favorite summer vacation was the first summer that I worked at K-Mart. It was the first summer that I wasn’t carted up to Billings for the summer. I stayed in Salt Lake and worked at K-Mart and went dancing with Dawni at The Ritz. It was my first taste of grown-up freedom and I loved it.
5. Summer goes well into September, but when do you feel like it is over?
For some reason, I’m still on School Time. I graduated from Westminster in May 1993, but I still gauge the year from September to June. I just don’t get to buy school supplies and learn new things in classes anymore. I have to do it on my own now, which is much harder. Summer is over when school starts.