The Friday Five
1. You’re the opposite sex. Besides the obvious playing with the new parts, what would you do?
Man, this is not even a fantasy for me. I guess I’d try that peeing standing up thing, but that falls under the category of playing with new parts (although, not in the sense that the question seemed to imply). I enjoy being a woman so much that I don’t really have any fantasies about being a man.
2. You’re someone famous. Who and why?
I don’t want to be someone else who is famous. I want me to be famous. I would be the world-renowned Laura Moncur, famous writer and singer and painter and even a famous Dance Dance Revolution dancer. Writer first, though.
3. You’re the King (Queen) of the World (no, you’re not James Cameron). What edict would you pass?
Play Nice!
4. You’re no longer in Kansas (or this world) anymore. Where are you?
I think I’ll opt to stay on the planet (since the atmosphere is Class M). If I wasn’t here, I think I’d be in New Orleans in a jazz club, singing “Learnin’ the Blues†to an appreciative audience.
5. You have a clone standing next to you and it’s going to work/school for you while you get to play hooky. What are you going to do today?
I’m going to play Insaniquarium all day long. When I’m sick of feeding fishies, I’ll write another chapter and then play some DDR.