Silver Status on Yourself! Fitness
I made Silver on Yourself! Fitness today. That opened up the Alpine Retreat exercise space and let me use the Techno music. I really liked the Alpine Retreat. There was a mountain biker that drove by in the background a couple of times and a hot air balloon gently floated over the water. I don’t know why those little extras make things more enjoyable for me, but they really do. It reminded me of being up at Snowbird. The Snowbird Ski Resort has a nice open space where they have Oktober Fest and I imagined I was up in the Wasatch mountains exercising.
By the way, if you don’t exercise for a week, she does give you a lecture about consistency. When you start exercising regularly again, she gives you a lot of positive feedback. She has told me two corny jokes. Yesterday, I wasn’t too happy about exercising, so I chose the “You’re lucky I’m here†selection. She responded, “Kind of like my date last night.†This morning, she asked me if I’m always this animated and then said, “I am, get it?†You know… because she’s computer animated… Yeah, I didn’t think they were funny either, but she never tells jokes when I’m exercising. That’s the important thing.
On another note, tomorrow is my second DDR-U2 workout with Sinistar, the editor of DDR4Health, on Xbox Live. We are meeting at 7am Eastern (5am Mountain), so if anyone wants to join us, we have room for two more people. We play the songs on Light for 30 minutes and let the computer choose them at random. I’m excited for this workout. It gives me something to look forward to during the week.
I am really enjoying all the exercise options that are available to me. I still have both gym memberships, but I haven’t used either one in a long time. I’m getting workouts that are just as intense as I would at the gym, but I don’t have to leave the house. I can just hop in the shower afterward and get ready for work. Something about not going to the gym bothers me, though, and it’s not the fact that I’m paying for something that I’m not using.
I think that being at the gym is a positive influence on me because there are people there who are uber-fit. Having someone to look up to and strive to be like is really inspirational. The brown-haired girl from the Bosu Incident could have been one of those people. She was able to perform every exercise that the teacher asked without a flaw. She was really good and really fit, but instead of being a role model, she brought back every junior high nightmare in one vivid flashback. Even though the brown-haired girl isn’t at 24 Hour Fitness, I’m reluctant to go there.
I haven’t worked out the whole gym thing. Maybe the gym isn’t right for me, even though I have found inspiration there. I don’t know the answer to this yet, but I’m still working on it. In the meantime, you’ll find me exercising at the Alpine Resort on Yourself! Fitness. There are no brown-haired girls there. Maya’s my personal trainer and she never makes fun of me.
Hi Laura,
Congratulations on your fitness lifestyle! I just got re-energized and am focusing on taking care of myself by eating healthy and exercising, too. (I ran 5 miles today. :)
Your Bosu story is so sad! I hate going to the gym too. I feel self-concious there, especially in the weight room. If the teacher is any good, she will help everone in the room feel welcome. I blame the teacher! No, I blame the mean person!
I ran with the San Diego track club last year and there were the most beautiful people I have seen in San Diego there- BYU beautiful :) And then there were a lot of normal people too. It could have been a prime place for all my body insecurities and other insecurities to come out, even with people acting with normal civil adult behavior. But no! Luckily our coach is the cheesiest man alive and every Sat he told us that he loved us and how happy he was that we were there and said with true sincerity that we made a difference in his life. Then he would ask us to turn to the people around us and tell them that they made a difference in our lives. It was cheesy, but it was done with such love that it made me feel really welcome. I ran with my running buddy from the track club today actually.
Then, when we ran the marathon, he was there about every 10 miles screaming through his megaphone, “I love you!! You can do it! You make a difference in my life! Thank you for being here!” (He’s a Christian, but one of the good ones who really believes all that cheesy love stuff in the bible.) It made me laugh so hard to think what all the other runners thought. They probably thought it was some random retarded person cheering for us.
Speaking of retarded people, and sorry this post is getting so long, there was a retarded woman/girl cheering for everyone. That kind of sweet guileless enthusiasm was like nourishment at that point in the race. She was the anti-mocking brown haired girl.
Good luck! I love you! You make a difference in my life!!
Comment by Braidwood — 12/16/2004 @ 12:23 pm