The Extinct Attractions Club
I am all agog. I’m still waiting for the virtual Adventure Through Inner Space to arrive, but now I’ve found these cool documentaries:
I was tempted to do the 6 DVDs for $60 special, but I think that I should wait. They have films of ride throughs on some of my favorite rides and documentaries with interviews from some of the Imagineers themselves.
I need to stop reading The Disney Blog before I start turning into Cory Doctorow.
Some people have stated that the Extinct Attractions Club has very slow response to orders. That may have been the case a year or two ago, but I just ordered 30 DVDs (yes, 30. The cost was $273, over 6 Paypal payments)
They started arriving after only three days. For some reason, they pack them in batches of 4 or 5, so I expect to get about 7 packages altogether.
The DVDs are GREAT. Highly recommended – but $20+ per DVD is just way too expensive. Go in on it with someone, and get the 30 (less than $10 each). I assume they would let you order multiple copies of the same DVD as part of the 30.
Comment by Brian Fuchs — 3/9/2005 @ 3:57 pm
I have been a member of Extinct Attractions for a year or so and have bought roughly 10 DVD’s from them. I would say that their shipping in the past was average and is better now that they have a separate person handling it. The owner, David O’Neil, is a passionate guy about Disneyland in particular (you should read his story if you haven’t already) and his library of ride throughs and documentaries is impressive to say the least. The worst thing about the club is that Dave tends to be a little defensive and gruff in his communications, but given his life story, I’m incliined to forgive it. Otherwise I have been very happy with the variety and value of his products and would highly recommend them to anyone who loves Disneyland as much as I do.
Comment by Flip Fitch — 9/8/2006 @ 6:47 pm
I placed an order for two dvd’s on February 24th, received email on the 25th that it had shipped, contacted Dave on Mar 7th that I hadn’t received it, he said he would reship by the end of the week and today, Mar16th, am still waiting for my two dvds. My first order, some months ago, was a bit delayed and I had to contact Dave to finally receive it. But this is the first time I’ve just never received my order.
Comment by sue — 3/16/2007 @ 12:18 pm
Same boat as you Sue! I ordered 3 cds on Feb 16th. An email dated Feb 19 confirmed that the order had been shipped! Wrote on March 15th that I had not received anything and I got the following answer the next day:
“Thank you for letting us know. Your order may be lost in the mail or misdirected. I can re-ship this weekend. I will do so for you. Again thank you for your order.
David 949 533 2684″
Well, it’s March 31 and I have received nothing but an email yesterday saying that “they (the cds!) should arrive soon.”
I just have to be patient, that’s all LOL!
Comment by François — 3/30/2007 @ 6:29 pm
BE CAREFUL. The quality of the products from the Extinct Attractions Club is “Hit & Miss”. Some are good, others are pathetic.
I once purchased their “Adventures through Innerspace” DVD that was supposed to contain the entire ride. You could see okay up until climbing on the actual ride, and the exit area was watchable, but the entire ride interior was pitch black. You couldn’t see a thing.
I also puchased some of his Audio CDs. Again some tracks are good, others suck. AND he does not include a track listing for the CDs. There are partial track listings for some of his CDs on his website, but they don’t match the order of what is on the CDs. They don’t load when you copy them to your IPod either. I would enjoy the CDs much more if I knew what I was listening to.
He is almost completely unresponsive to emails and phone calls.
I, for one, have pretty much given up on this guy.
If anyone from Disney reads this, for God’s sake produce a product that fills this need amoung your fans so that we won’t have to deal with shoddy products and service like this to get what we want.
Comment by James — 4/29/2007 @ 1:47 pm
Something is going on at this Online Store -very fishy to me!!!!! I called “Dave” he said I’ll call you right back haven’t heard a word!!! Still no Video. I had ordered this for an elderly lady (Figment Film) who used to be a school teacher. She wanted this video before school let out to give to a teacher that is retiring. She is very confused and upset! I would never suggest this place to anyone. NO CUSTOMER SERVICE! NO VIDEO! NO REPEAT BUSINESS! Does this guy actually want this business to be successful?
Comment by Amy — 5/24/2007 @ 6:06 am
Well, I can tell you is buyer beware. Dave is a dishonest as they come! He take money that doesn’t belong to him; Case in point! At one time stated he received money to give to charities! (for over 3 years) Yet that money did not go to charities! Oh! No; he pocket the money and bought homes with it and a new car. If one gives to charities its a strict process to go through and its governed by the federal government. (plus it came from his own mouth what he did with it!) Dave O’Neal hasn’t done that process; if you notice now its not mentioned on his site. He probably got someone to tell him what a bad boy he’s being. For his whole site designed changed and the charity was off. Dave sucker so many into giving; and you did that! Dave’s charity! Dave doesn’t even file taxes! So how can Dave do charity! Wake up people!
He takes from everyone! He takes Disney’s copyrighted stuff and anyone else who has something worth stealing and uses it on his DVDs without care and without permission.
You guys are paying a thief to benefit his own pockets out of the cost of others!
Comment by concern — 5/24/2007 @ 7:01 am
Hi all,
Normally if we are slow with an order, it is due to one of two things.
1) either we are out of supplies, or we simply have too mnay orders.
in any event we work very hard at nite to ship and during the day I edit all day.
We have cameras in our edit room and you can see me working, and call me 5 days a week.
Plus dont forget our special day for Anaheim families on July 14, 2007 in Anaheim with the city of Anaheim.
In reference to the post that said: “Dave†he said I’ll call you right back haven’t heard a word!!! Still no Video.
I had bad cell service, I did reach her husband and have resolved that we had the wrong address:
With just two people filling orders from 8pm to 2am for over 35,000 club members, we can get behind.
That is why we now use FEDEX so folks can track their orders.
I’m here all the time, ready to help. you can watch me all day on the cameras and listen to us on our radio station and see us LIVE at our monthly events
I’m always here to help and always want everyone to be happy.
see me now at:
or call me anytime at 949 533 2684 dave
Comment by dave oneal — 5/25/2007 @ 6:30 pm
Our new DVD on the railroad is endorsed by DISNEY and in fact we have been given a great amount of footage by Disney.
I hope you will enjoy it, its on the Disney railroad and features Mr. Roy Disney, in an interview that I did with him.
please take a look:
I do my best to do the interviews, transfer the films, answer 100 plus emails a day, work my day job, answer the phones, do research, create the websites, radio shows and events.
Comment by dave oneal — 5/25/2007 @ 6:36 pm
On CD orders, I encourage you to choose the download option. It does two great things. 1) You get them in an instant 2) you get mush more detailed track listings 3) see number 1
Comment by dave oneal — 5/25/2007 @ 7:00 pm
So in short,
1) I love the parks, and love what I do. 2) We are always happy to help you. 3) Order do take 2-3 weeks normally 4) you will get a FEDEX number so you can track 5) You can watch me all day online 6) You can call me anytime 949 533 2684 7) you can come see me in Orange County anytime 8) I’m always open to suggestions, I’m a video editor, and always look for new ways to streamline In fact soon, you can even download our DVDs, and then BOOM no waiting ever, and I can make new versions, and not have to ship.
In short, I’m here for you, and I hope to see you all next week in Anaheim for the Disneyland Railroad event live on stage.
If you cant make it, we will be braodcasting LIVE on as well as LIVE video as well.
So please call me, please understand I wear many hats, and work 2 jobs, but I’m just like you, I love the parks and love the history…
thanks again.
please call me 949 533 2684
Comment by dave oneal — 5/25/2007 @ 7:04 pm
Hello, I am back! I am post #4!
I am glad that David can be seen at all times on video, like in all those stupid real tv shows!
I DID receive HALF of my order at the beginning of April 2007 and I have been asking for the rest of it MANY times since! I got an answer on May 29 saying that I’d get the rest, I quote: “Thank you, it will arrive at the end of this week.” Of course, living in France, it takes a little more than a week to reach me and, as of today — June 10 — I still haven’t received anything!
So…. what can I say?! I guess I am not lucky… and I don’t seem to be the only one!
Comment by françois — 6/9/2007 @ 5:33 pm
In all honesty, I have to say that I’ve finally received what I was waiting for… at last!
Will I order again? Hummmmmm…..
Comment by françois — 6/14/2007 @ 7:23 pm
As always we are here to do the best we can to bring the attractions of yesterday to you everyday. Its always best to call (sometimes email gets in spam, or….) so call, anytime, even collect 949.533.2684
Comment by dave — 6/24/2007 @ 4:31 pm
A great choice for folks over seas, or if you just need to watch the video now, is to use our INSTANT DOWNLOAD service. It takes less than a minute and you get it NOW, no waiting. They are cheaper, and best of all you get it NOW. Check it out, Exxtinct DVD list and then INSTANT DOWNLOADS
Easy huh?
Comment by dave — 6/24/2007 @ 4:49 pm
placed an order tuesday about a week later items came fed ex gound. wonderful product and great service. recomended
Comment by alan — 6/28/2007 @ 3:12 pm
Placed my order on 6/10/07 for 2 DVDs. As of 7/05/07, my order still shows as ‘being assembled’. There is a UPS tracking number (yes, UPS, not FEDEX), but it indicates that the ‘billing info received’ as of 06/18. UPS has not picked up the shipment as of 7/05/07. I am located less than 90 minutes from Orange County, so I know that there is not a problem with a major shipping delay.
I sent an email to Dave about this today (order 3311, BTW). In case Dave’s reading this, please provide an update as to when I can expect my order to ship. It’s been almost 4 weeks since I placed my order, and I’ve not heard a word.
Comment by Christine Lee — 7/5/2007 @ 8:17 pm
The best way to contact us for any questions is always 949.533.2684
At times emails do not reach us, so please call with any questions we are always here to help.
With hundreds of orders per month, we have a very good way to track your order and can let you know where it is.
Comment by dave oneal — 7/12/2007 @ 7:52 pm