On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 02:58:18 -0800 (PST), diana frias wrote:
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get over yourself, dealt with the same things growing up yet I feel my parents religion has made a stronger person. Don’t attend “meeting” but yet still have my “JW” morals and thats better than most people these days. Commerial holidays are overrated! Happy valentines day, nobody cares about your sob story or wish list! sorry I came upon your site.
Apparently, Diana found my Worst Valentine Memory entry from last year.
Dear Diana,
Imagine my confusion when I received your email this morning. I wrote that Valentine’s entry last year and had almost completely forgotten about it and then your email came today and I was confused. I’ve had trouble writing lately and I thought you were commenting on the fact that my words have left me. Luckily, your email had just enough clues to jog my memory.
It sounds as if my story hit a nerve with you. Your admonishment was far too negative and judgmental to be merely a “Get Over Yourself” response. I’m sorry you were raised Jehovah Witness. The religion preaches a separatism that is unhealthy to child development. If you fully agreed with their lifestyle, you would be attending Meeting today.
One of the things that I tell myself every day is, “My creativity heals myself and others.†Writing out my worst Valentine memory actually helped heal me a little bit. It sounds, however, that my story was not as helpful to you and may have opened old wounds that were festering under the skin. I wish you the best and I hope that you are finally able to heal after all of these years.
Good Luck, Laura Moncur
Wow.. harsh comment. You responded with aplomb. And I like your pictures. Sometimes words just seem to run together and all sound alike and picture offers me clarity and solice and best of all, it’s not too wordy.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I like your stories.
Comment by Braidwood — 2/13/2005 @ 7:39 pm