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A weblog by Laura Moncur


Peeps by Scott Westerfeld

Filed under: Books & Short Stories,Halloween,Reviews — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

PeepsJust in time for Halloween, I just finished reading Peeps, by Scott Westerfeld. It is the best vampire book that I have EVER read. I remember liking Interview with a Vampire when I read it, but I didn’t feel the need to force everyone that I know around me to read it. That’s how I feel about Peeps. I feel like telling everyone, “You MUST go to the store right now and get this book and read it. It will take you less than a day or so to read it and you will be SO grateful to me that I forced it upon you!”

The plot centers around Cal. Over a year ago, he had a torrid one-night affair with a girl that he met in a bar. He didn’t even catch her last name, but he did catch something else: a parasite. Like AIDS, this parasite is transmitted sexually and turns its victims into cannibals. Cannibals who tend to fit the profile of vampires. Mirrors, crucifixes, rats, bats, and aversion to daylight are all symptoms of the parasite.

Fortunately for Cal (and unfortunately for his girlfriends), instead of turning into an insane savage, he grew stronger, gained an affinity for raw meat and became a carrier, like Typhoid Mary. Oh yeah, all his girlfriends went nutso crazy within months of meeting him, even that girl he kissed at New Year’s. Can a guy have any worse luck?

Yes, he can. Based on his girlfriend’s changes, the Night Watch was able to track Cal down and finally tell him the bad news. He’s not a vampire, but every girl he ever kisses (or more) will become one. Hey, would you like to help us track down your bloodthirsty ex-girlfriends?

This book is cleverly written. I laughed out loud many times while reading. It is also scary. I had nightmares the night that I stayed up late reading. The story moved along very well and just when I thought I had my finger on the plot of this book everything twisted out from under me for a fantastic ending that really made me want to hold the book in front of the face of all my friends.

Check out the great quotes I gathered from this book:

Quotations Weblog » Peeps by Scott Westerfeld



  1. i just thought you might be intressed in knowing tha the WB is going to Air midnighters a new tv show this fall!after the midnighters books that scott westerfeld wrote

    i like your site

    Comment by rose — 11/1/2006 @ 6:59 pm

  2. This was a nice book, but i think Twilight is by far the best Vampire book. This one is more practical, twilight is a bit more of a fantasy, but check that one out too. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer…Blue Bloods and Marked arent so bad either.

    Comment by eternalblack10 — 9/27/2007 @ 8:52 pm

  3. i really like scott and i really like steph but i dont now how i like better!!!!!!!!! so confusing. and i just ordered blue bloods in the mail and cant wait to read it

    Comment by sage — 11/17/2007 @ 5:48 pm


    Comment by Sandra — 12/30/2007 @ 9:28 pm

  5. Good book defanaetly =]

    Comment by Tiffani — 1/6/2008 @ 6:15 pm

  6. the twilight series are definately the best books I’ve ever read! If you liked twilight check out the uglies by Scott westerfeld

    Comment by laura — 1/11/2008 @ 9:20 am

  7. this book is absolutely amazing, but i think the sequel is better :]

    Comment by Victoria — 8/12/2008 @ 10:50 pm

  8. Peeps was good… I’m reading (and enjoying) The Last Days. Uglies was better and Midnighters was a fun read. Twilight was a good book BUT The Southern Vampire Mysteries with Sookie Stackhouse rocked the boat.Twilight is about a girl who is so “in love” that her life literally stops when he leaves or they hit a rocky patch. Edward is VERY possessive over Bella… who wants a man who will never give you some space? Sookie is a woman who falls in love but she can also stand on her own two feet.

    Comment by selena — 4/8/2009 @ 3:26 pm

  9. hey twilight rocks and edward is just trying to protect her

    Comment by Lindz — 4/13/2009 @ 11:19 am

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