Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Utah Blogger/Geek Dinner: July 2008

Filed under: Utah Geeks — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

Charlie and Jason by LauraMoncur from FlickrI really enjoyed this month’s Utah Blogger/Geek Dinner. We had over 25 people show up this time. You can see all the photos here:

Blogger/Geek Dinner: July 2008 – a set on Flickr

Of course, I forgot to take a picture of myself. If any of you snapped a photo of me at the dinner, please comment with a link to it here.

I used the AirMe app on my iPhone to take and upload all these photos. It is good program for events like these because it will upload the photos to Flicker, put them all into a photoset and add tags for the location and weather. It made documenting the dinner SO much easier.

This month we had the dinner at Paradise Bakery. The kind of restaurants that let you stand in line and order and then sit down with the group with your food are SO much better for these events than the ones where you have to deal with waiters. I need to find places like this all over the city so we can have our geek dinners in comfort EVERY month.

Twitter Log: 2008-08-01

Filed under: Twitter Log — @ 11:59 pm
  • @arcade30 A friend of my own heart!!! August is the brewing time for costumes for us as well! Halloween is our FAVORITE holiday! #
  • Photos from the UT Blogger/Geek Dinner: http://tinyurl.com/566l8c #
  • @kittygutz BTW, I couldn’t find Crystal’s twitter account. Which one is she? #
  • @kittygutz Thanks! I’ve added @solysombra to my list. It was so nice talking to you guys last night. Hope to see you at other geek events! #
  • @jeremyfranklin Mike and I have been having the SAME problem. We’re in Sugarhouse. Where are you? #
  • Finished working for the day. Now time to clean and take care of family errands. #
  • @mdjensen Mike downloaded that yesterday and it works pretty well. Faster than with my old Treo. No email support though. :( #

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Twitter Log: 2008-08-02

Filed under: Twitter Log — @ 11:59 pm
  • My iPhone thinks it’s in MN, not UT. I tried a restore yesterday to no avail. I know others have had this trouble. What up, Apple?!! #

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