Hotel Balderdash on KTVX
Hotel Balderdash was a FAVORITE show of mine when I was a kid. It was a cartoon show hosted by Cannonball and Harvey (I don’t remember Raymond). In fact, I LEARNED the meaning of the word “balderdash” because of the name of that show. Here is a nostalgia clip that KTVX did about it.
In the past, I’ve talked about Nightmare Theater, which was also on KTVX:
For Halloween, I was looking for video about it on YouTube and found Hotel Balderdash instead. Just hearing that theme song brought back so many memories!
At Hotel Balderdash, I get my morning started right!
To this day, we still sing the Happy Birthday song like this because of Hotel Balderdash:
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Mom!
Happy Birthday to you!
And many more!
From Channel Four!
Right out the door!
My dream was to someday be on Hotel Balderdash, just like all those kids I saw every day. I wanted to meet Harvey and Cannonball. I really liked Cannonball because he was fat, like me, but he was on TV and really cool, so I thought he could teach me about how to be cool, even though I was fat. I thought maybe he could teach me how to stop the other kids from making fun of me.
I never did get to meet Cannonball, but Hotel Balderdash still has a large swath of my childhood memories devoted to it. To this day, I am so grateful to all of the people who made it possible.
Hi there,
I think that this episode on “cannonballharveyshow†( may be interesting for you. Check it out!
Comment by Harvey — 6/21/2013 @ 7:47 am
For 40 years I’ve regretted that I never got a Harvey bag. It isn’t a BiG regret, but still…
Comment by Chad — 8/9/2014 @ 3:55 pm