Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Welcome To Halloween

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 8:00 am

As always, this is my favorite time of the year. I save all my haunted and costume related costumes all year long for this very month!

Halloween Background for Facebook Halloween Party

I know I have done it TWICE in the last twenty years, but I’m going as Uhura from the original Star Trek series for Halloween this year. I just need to find one of these things…

Uhura Communicator Earpiece

The last two times I dressed up as Uhura, I couldn’t find one and felt like my costume was seriously lacking because of it. How can I be as awesome as Uhura without her little earpiece communicator?!

Eardevice Uhura Balance of Terror

I’m still looking and I hope to find something or make something before the BIG day!!

Whatever your Halloween plans are, I hope they are delightful!!


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