Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


It’s The Laura Show!

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

Self Portrait Tuesday 11-28-07 from FlickrI think I’m getting a little sick of the photo on my blog entries every day. It’s like suddenly my blog is The Laura Show! I know my blog IS the Laura show, but it reminds me of it every time I see my face.

I thought I would do this to keep my written entries feeling more personable, but they end up feeling narcissistic to me. Of course, the act of writing a weblog IS narcissistic, so I don’t know why the photos would make me notice it more.

All the photos look the same to me. The problem with wearing the same color every day is that it looks like I never change clothes.

I don’t know if I’ll keep doing this, but I’m going to try it for a little more.


1 Comment »

  1. You’re adorable. Haha.

    I have too many black shirts so I know how that feels.

    Comment by Lisa — 11/28/2007 @ 7:14 am

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