You know what I haven’t read about lately? Ectoplasm. It was the stuff that was supposed to be the leftovers of ghostly presences. It was the materialization of the spirit form. As a child, reading about ghosts, I remember seeing pictures of ectoplasm. They were presented very much like this website does.
The Haunted Museum – Ectoplasm! Fraud or Phantasm? – by Troy Taylor
When Ghost Busters came out, ectoplasm was green gunk. “He slimed me,” was a catch phrase that I still hear people saying to this day, usually in connection with children. It’s not like there were spiritual mediums producing bright green ectoplasm out of their body orifices. The movies did it for us and much better.
I haven’t read or even heard the word ectoplasm in so long that I almost miss it. Is there some cool computer thing that we can name ectoplasm? Maybe it could be some Blue Tooth enabled surgically installed headset or maybe some method of installing small computer within our hands or fingers. Computer Ectoplasm… yeah, I’m ready for some of that…
I’m curious how they made those pictures back then. I don’t believe it was real, but seances with ectoplasm suddenly stopped. It looks like they used some kind of goo & then would sometimes paste a picture in it of the deceased they were trying to reach. but how fun would it be to go to a seance & see creepy goo come out of the medium’s mouth!
Comment by kirstie — 8/10/2011 @ 3:11 pm