Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Y2K Bug

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 6:32 am

The Beetle is at the dealership right now, undergoing surgery. It’s probably the eighth surgery for its airbags and the third surgery for its airline system. The airbag and check engine lights keep turning on. I am sick of it.

I love the Beetle. Even after six years of driving it, I still get stopped every once and a while because people want to talk about their Beetle experiences. I bought the 2000 model because I wanted to own a Y2K Bug. Unfortunately, this one has lived up to its name.

I can’t think of any car I would rather drive around town. There isn’t one out there that attracts me as much as the New Beetles do. Because they have been completely unable to fix my problems with my Beetle, all my faith in the dealerships in Salt Lake City is lost.

I hope they fix my car and get it back to me. I miss it…


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