How To Straighten Curly Hair
I noticed that someone had linked to one of my photos online. She was asking for help:
HAIRR! helpp?
ok how do u get hair like this: Image – TinyPic – Share the Experience!â„¢
& this:
Image – TinyPic – Share the Experience!â„¢
& this!
Image – TinyPic – Share the Experience!â„¢
to look like this: Pick Me! » Self Portrait Tuesday: Straight Hair
or this:
110907-beautiful-hair.gif (GIF Image, 447×332 pixels)
Here is my answer:
Since you used one of my pictures as an example (Straight Hair), I thought I would answer it. Thanks for using my picture, by the way. My hair usually looks like this (Curly Hair), so getting it straight is a 45 minute chore.
I wash my hair with the cheapest shampoo I can buy (Suave or Kirkland brand from Costco). I use a similarly chosen conditioner either the free stuff that came with the shampoo or something from Aussie Naturals.
I blow dry my hair holding my head upside down with no product. I continually brush while blowing it dry. When I’m finished blowing my hair dry, it looks just like your before photos: frizzy and BIG.
After the hair dryer, I put about a grape-sized amount of Bio-Silk on my hair (I have long hair, so use less for shorter hair). Then I partition my hair and use a hair straightener on each and every strand.
The reason my hair looks so healthy and shiny (despite the grueling hair blower and straightener) is because I only straighten my hair once or twice a year. The rest of the year, I just put some Three-Minute Miracle and hairspray on my wet hair and let it air dry.
It took me ten years to learn how to straighten my curly, frizzy hair. Now that I know the secret, I rarely bother with it. The moment I decided that I wasn’t going to bother with my hair anymore, my life became simpler and happier, but I distinctly remember all those years wishing I could have sleek and shiny hair. When I finally got it, however, I found out I was the same person I always was.
Now, I only go straight for special occasions. Maybe I’ll straighten my hair today just for the fun of it. Nah… I have better things to do with that 45 minutes.