Last March I went to SXSWi 2009. I posted the notes from two of the days, but conference exhaustion got in the way of me posting the notes from the last three days. After much delay, here they are.
The Real Technology of Indiana Jones – Room B
Monday, March 16th
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Archaeologists no longer rely on whips and fedoras; they now use a range of sophisticated digital tools to collect information in the field and study it in the lab. Too often, though, this wealth of information meets the same fate as Indy’s discoveries, locked away in digital ‘warehouses’ where no one can see it. The archaeologists on this panel present different projects that use web platforms and open-source approaches to bring digital archaeology out of the warehouse and into the public eye. Learn how archaeologists are using interactive media to open their data and processes to the public; discuss the creation of an online archaeological community in Second Life; and explore ancient cities across space and time using publicly-available online tools.

Colleen Morgan: Archaeologist, UC Berkeley
Stuart Eve: Dir, L-P Archaeology/UCL
Bernard Frischer: Rome Reborn
Moderator: Adam Rabinowitz: Asst Professor, University of Texas at Austin
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