Our new teardrop trailer has an unusual bed platform. There is room for a queen bed in the sleeping cabin, but the bottom of the flooring is uneven.

Many people have leveled it by adding a sleeping platform. You can see what Gregg M. from the Fiberglass RV Forum did to level his here:

His bed platform looks amazing, but it is a bit out of my skills range right now. We need to get this trailer ready to camp in about a month and a half, so that addition will have to wait until I learn more woodworking skills.
For now, we are leveling the bed platform by adding storage bins.

Each side will need one purple bin and two blue bins. I can’t find the purple bin online, but here is the label for it. It is the Homz Clear Storage Bin 7.5 Quart 16.25′ X 7′ X 6.125′

The blue bin is the Snapware Smart Store 11.5′ X 8.5″ X 5.6′. I found it on Amazon here: Snapware Smart Store System at Amazon.com. Here is the label for it as well.

We haven’t tried putting the mattress over these bins and attempting to access them yet, so I can’t tell you if they feel lumpy under the mattress or if they are unable to support our weight. Once we take the trailer on its maiden voyage, I’ll update here.
Update 05-07-12: These little boxes did an EXCELLENT job of leveling the bed platform. They were great for storing our camping gear like flashlights and tools. They didn’t feel lumpy. They didn’t move around. They were easy to access under the queen sized mattress we put in the cabin. I don’t think I’ll even bother with building a fancy platform like Gregg did.