Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


How To Make Your Own Glitter Polish: Your Results May Vary

Filed under: I Love Makeup!,Manicures and Pedicures — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

After the failure of Pick Me! » The Leave Well Enough Alone Manicure, I took it all off and tried a new one. I started again with two coats of Ulta’s Army of 1.

Ulta Army of 1 Nail Polish from Pick Me!

I had seen something on Pinterest about making my own glitter polish, so I decided to try it. Here is a link to the tutorial:

I bought an inexpensive bottle of clear polish and some glitter.

How To Make Your Own Glitter Polish from Pick Me!

The two kinds of glitter are different in size, because I wanted the polish to be REALLY glittery.

How To Make Your Own Glitter Polish from Pick Me!

I dumped out 1/4 of the bottle and kept adding glitter until it was full. The bottle looks like this now.

How To Make Your Own Glitter Polish from Pick Me!

The result was a REALLY glittery polish. This is ONE coat of the polish.

How To Make Your Own Glitter Polish from Pick Me!

Unfortunately, the polish is really thick and difficult to apply evenly. Look at how much it pops up on the nail.

How To Make Your Own Glitter Polish from Pick Me!

In the end, I’ve decided to leave glitter polish crafting to the professionals. They do so much better than I do.


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