Pick Me!

A weblog by Laura Moncur


Recollections of The Salt Lake Costume Company

Filed under: Living in SLC, UT — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

The neon sign from the Salt Lake Costume Company

Last November, I wrote about the closing of The Salt Lake Costume Company. The building still sits vacant. Taggers have sullied its windows with graffiti and the sign still says that there is a clearance on costumes.

Last week, I received the following email:

Hi Laura:

I was very touched to see that someone besides me mourns the death of the costume company.

My grandfather, Clifford Allen, owned it from sometime in the 30s or 40s until his death in 1987 at the age of 81. My grandmother passed away two years after him, and my dad, his two brothers, and two sisters didn’t know what to do with it, so they sold it.

I drove by it yesterday (Aug. 6, 06) and was very nostalgic it’s still there, but sad about it’s condition and demise.

The costume company burnt down in the Winter of ’63, approximately, but I was way too young to remember it. My dad and uncles spent almost a year rebuilding it from scratch.

I hope it doesn’t seem too weird to be so sentimental about a building, but that was such an integral part of my life, for so many years.

I played there as a child, worked for my grandfather (who would usually pay my brother and I a dime, or a quarter, for the entire day, which was generous considering we had usually played hide ‘n seek amongst the costumes all day!).

I worked there even when I was a college student, even though I never made more than minimum wage. It was so much fun working there, though, I didn’t want a job that paid more!

G. Allen
Kearns, UT

I emailed him a response and asked if it was alright if I shared his story with the rest of the world and this is the reply he gave:


Yes, please go ahead! I would be flattered.

[My grandfather’s] last living sibling, Thelma, died only a few months ago. Every one of his numerous siblings lived past 95, several past 100. He was diagnosed with cancer several months after shocking his entire extended family by announcing that he was becoming World weary, and wouldn’t at all mind if God called him home soon.

My oldest Brother told me several years ago that the cancer he died from is extremely rare, except for people who work in the dry cleaning industry, for whom it is relatively common. I still remember lighting the boiler in the morning, which was right next to the dry cleaning equipment, and smelling the pungent smell of perchlorethyelne, which usually made me dizzy.

My parents and/or my brother might have some pictures from the costume company’s earlier days, if you’d like to post any more.

G. Allen

I told him I would be happy to post whatever he submitted. I loved the Salt Lake Costume Company. I don’t know how anyone who passes its vacant walls can’t grieve a little.


The Death of the Salt Lake Costume Company

Filed under: Living in SLC, UT — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

On the corner of 1100 East and 1700 South, The Salt Lake Costume Company had displayed costumes in its windows since before I could remember. I moved to Salt Lake when I was three years old in 1972 and it was an established fixture back then. I remember driving past it in my grandmother’s 1968 white Chevy Impala. It was across the street from Rexall Drug, where my grandma got all her prescriptions.

I don’t know when it closed. It might have been as early as September. I didn’t notice until October that they were gone. The commercial real estate sign went up and I thought that they must be mad to close up right before Halloween. I also felt ripped off because I didn’t get a chance to buy up all their costumes.

The sad truth of the matter is, I never set foot into the place. I’m the kind of girl who gets her costumes at Home Depot more often than a costume store. That doesn’t stop me from frequenting the Halloween stores that pop up in abandoned store fronts during October, but I have never set foot into any costume shop. The Costume Closet on 700 East and 4500 South is another place that I love dearly, but have never gone into.

I feel a strange sense of guilt. Me, who loves Halloween and dressing up more than almost anyone I know, never gave any of my money to The Salt Lake Costume Company and now they are out of business. It’s all my fault.

They are stripping the store right down to the 2X4s: exposed brick on the walls and debris on the showroom floor. I peeked into the windows and clicked pictures until Mike urged me away like a rubber-necker at a car accident.


Halloween Costume Ideas

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

Incredible CostumesEvery time I think that I’m over-doing it for Halloween, I realize that there are others out there who are far more obsessed than I am. Check out this website:

Cockeyed Presents: Incredible Costumes

My favorite quote:

“Normal people don’t buy stuff for their costume at Home Depot.”

My favorite costumes are the huge metallic wings (shown here) and the state of California costume. He also was a walking Jenga game and won a $10K prize for his Paparazzi Costume.

Every year, I am something bizarre for Halloween that involves lots of explaining. This year, I have vowed to be something easy that requires no explanation. I guess I’ll see how well I do this year.


Halloween 2018: Steampunk Communications Officer

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 6:27 am

I decided to do steampunk for my costume again this year.



Reattach Your Hand

Filed under: General — Laura Moncur @ 8:00 am

This is a really good tutorial showing you how to make it appear as if you have a reattached hand.

The technique is so good that it is gruesome.

Reattached Hand from BeautifulUTV

If you are planning a scary costume this year, this technique is a great idea.

Via: She Wraps A Coil Of Wax Around Her Wrist — What She Turns It Into? This Is CHILLING…


Welcome To Halloween

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 8:00 am

As always, this is my favorite time of the year. I save all my haunted and costume related costumes all year long for this very month!

Halloween Background for Facebook Halloween Party

I know I have done it TWICE in the last twenty years, but I’m going as Uhura from the original Star Trek series for Halloween this year. I just need to find one of these things…

Uhura Communicator Earpiece

The last two times I dressed up as Uhura, I couldn’t find one and felt like my costume was seriously lacking because of it. How can I be as awesome as Uhura without her little earpiece communicator?!

Eardevice Uhura Balance of Terror

I’m still looking and I hope to find something or make something before the BIG day!!

Whatever your Halloween plans are, I hope they are delightful!!


The 2014 Halloween Party Was Epic!

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 9:32 am

We had an INCREDIBLE time this year for Halloween! It was so great! The theme this year was The Twenties in honor of our TWENTIETH year of doing this! Here are some photos:

Halloween Contest Winners 2014

The Winners from left to right:

Beast of Show: Derek as the Headless Horseman

Sexiest Costume: Jackie as a Grecian Goddess

Funniest Costume: Jen as Charlie Chaplin

Scariest Costume: Mal as The Big Bad Wolf

Best Potluck Dish: Penny’s Pretzel Monsters and Aliens

(Continue Reading…)


The Moncur Halloween Party 2013

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

We had such a good Halloween Party this year that it took me until JANUARY to get these photos edited. LOL! This year’s theme was food and people thought of the most inventive ideas! Enjoy!

Laura and Michael Moncur as Peanut Butter and Jelly

Laura and Michael Moncur as Peanut Butter and Jelly

You can see everything after the break: (Continue Reading…)


A Halloween Party from 1973

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I love this video of a Halloween party in 1973. All the kids are dressed up in the kind of costumes that used to be around when I was a kid. Vinyl and ill-fitting jumpsuits and plastic masks.

Since my family was Jehovah Witness when I was that age, I never got to wear a Halloween costume like that. Even now, I look at them and wish that I could somehow wear one of those costumes. Not only do they not exist now, but if they did, they would be too small for my adult frame. I’m forever trapped in the state of desire with no hope for release.

Via: Plaid Stallions : Rambling and Reflections on ’70s pop culture: Halloween: 1973.


Scary Zombie Makeup

Filed under: Halloween,I Love Makeup! — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

This photo from Imgur is horrifying.

Scary Zombie Makeup

The next time you are stumped for a costume idea, remember to think outside the box. Your chin isn’t necessarily your chin. It could be painted black and become the inside of your gaping zombie mouth.

Happy Haunting!

Via: Horrifying face/throat zombie makeup – Boing Boing


Glow in the Dark Ghost Nails

Filed under: Halloween,I Love Makeup! — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I love this manicure from honeymunchkin.

Ghoulish Glow China Glaze manicure in the dark

Using China Glaze’s Ghoulish Glow, glow-in-the-dark nail polish, she created some ghosts who will shine all night at the Halloween Party.

Sometimes, all it takes is a really good manicure to top off a boring Halloween costume.

Happy Haunting!


Read All The diesel sweeties Halloween Comics

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Boba Tea Fet CostumeLast year, diesel sweeties put all their Halloween comics in one place. Now, you can read them all to get in the mood for the holiday and get some good ideas.

I love it when comics, TV shows and even fiction books depict Halloween. It’s such an important holiday to me and I love it when it’s just as important in the fiction world.


Jenna Marbles’ Loves Halloween

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I haven’t seen Blades of Glory, but Jenna Marbles’ costume last year was totally awesome.

Jenna Marbles Blades of Glory Costume

Here is her video showing you how she made it.

Jenna loves Halloween and has another video about Sluts on Halloween here:

I love this!

What you are doing is taking away from the spirit of the best holiday ever, Halloween. Halloween is the one night of the year that you get to be whatever you want to be! When you see these girls dressed as sexy cops, nurses, animals, I don’t know… It’s not that they’re such a huge fan of cops and nurses and animals. It’s just that they want to be a slut for Halloween, because they’re probably not sluts in real life.

People want to be perceived as attractive and hot. Halloween is the one night to do it. So what I want to say to all the girls out there is that I challenge you. I dare you to go out on Halloween, see a girl who looks cute, and just go up to her and go like, “You know what? You look hot! I appreciate the fact that you probably went on a diet and exercised your tiny little butt off to fit into that costume. Congratulations! It worked!”

If you’re not the type of girl who wants to dress up like a slut, that’s your choice. No one hatin’ on you for being a toothbrush.

I love that she was able to address the Sluts on Halloween issue for what it really is, which is girls hating on other girls. We should all just get along!


Monster Skin Makeup Tutorial from Make: Believe

Filed under: Halloween,I Love Makeup! — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

This tutorial for how to make monster skin is AWESOME!

I love how it looks like he is an alien from the miniseries, V!

Monster Skin Makeup Tutoria from Pick Me!

It’s a complicated process, using Sculpey clay for a mold for the reptilian skin and lots of liquid latex. If you have an allergy to latex, then this isn’t for you, but if you don’t this is a terrific way to make your costume SO believable!


Felicia Day’s Comic Con Makeup

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 pm

This year at Comic Con, Felicia Day went with a comic book look for her makeup that really knocked my socks off.

It reminds me of the makeup that M.A.C Cosmetics did back in 2010:

Roy Lichtenstein Costume

More pictures of that here:


Moncur Halloween Party 2012

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

The party was a BLAST!

Halloween 2012 Costume Winners

Moncur Halloween Party 2012 Winners:

  • Funniest Costume: Jen Savage as The Swedish Chef
  • Sexiest Costume: Dawni Christensen as Elizabeth Taylor
  • Beast of Show: Stacey Vest as Effie Trinket
  • Best Potluck: Chelsea Jelsma for her Cream Cheese Jalapeño Bacon Wraps
  • Scariest Costume: Laura Moncur as the Melting Nazi from Raiders of the Lost Ark

You can see the rest of the photos after the break: (Continue Reading…)


Best Halloween Prank!

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I laughed throughout this whole video of a Halloween prank! They created a child-sized mannequin in costume and set it at doors and rang the bell. It would just stand there, creepy and still. The people answering the door drop in the candy and are suddenly disconcerted when the child doesn’t turn to leave.

I especially love the woman at the 3:30 mark who furtively touches the mannequin after several groups come and go. “What the hell?!”

The guy at the 5:25 mark is hilarious. He gives the mannequin more candy and tells a friend on the phone, “He wants more candy.” He drops in more candy and then laughs, “Is that good? The Halloweener won’t leave, dude!”

It’s a long video, but it’s funny all the way through!

Via: Hallowe’en mannequin prank – Boing Boing


Grim Grinning Ghosts in Disneyworld

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Clint and his wife visited Disneyworld last year and they dressed up as Grim Grinning Ghosts.

I have never done anything so awesome as this. I haven’t even BEEN to Disneyworld, much less went there in full costume. These pictures make me so happy!


Dress Up Your Cat for Halloween

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I LOVE these costumes for a cat for Halloween.

I think my favorite is the CATerpillar. :)

Via: So Much Pun: The PunCat Cometh


True Skin: A Sci-Fi Vision That Needs To Be Made Into A Full Movie

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 6:58 am

Just in time for Halloween, I found this awesome science fiction short film that reminds me of a wonderful cross between AI, Blade Runner and Max Headroom. See it here:

I love the concept of being able to upload your memories into a computer and reload them into a “New You.”

True Skin Upload A New You

It was an idea that made me love “Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom” by Cory Doctorow. It would probably mean the end of the world as we know it, as so tragically illustrated in Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse Series, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing that I could somehow live forever.

Oh, and all the people in that little video would be GREAT Halloween costumes!

Via: True Skin Sci-Fi Short Nails That Blade Runner Vibe | Underwire | Wired.com


Pintester Tries The Eyeballs Halloween Manicure With Amusing Results

Filed under: Halloween,I Love Makeup!,Manicures and Pedicures — Laura Moncur @ 9:00 am

When I saw this Eyeballs Halloween Manicure Tutorial, it looked so fun that I thought I’d try it.

Of course, so did Pintester. When she tried it however, it didn’t quite turn out like the video. As she said, she should have stopped while she was ahead. In her own words:

And then I went off-book. Because I’m a rebel. And occasionally Goth. That’s right, people. I found a bottle of glow-in-the-dark nail polish and decided that this whole get-up needed a top-coat of spooky green glow.

I was wrong.

Also, I feel I should tell you that it didn’t really glow that much, which would have made it less of a fail, I think.

Here’s what happened, comparing what it SHOULD look like with what it actually looked like:

Pintester Eyeball Manicure

If you’re planning on doing a spooky Halloween manicure for your costume this year, make sure you do it the night before so you have plenty of time to redo it if you run into problems.


The Morton Salt Girl

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I love this Halloween costume idea from The Spotted Fox. It’s the Morton Salt Girl.

The Morton Salt Girl

Here is a version of this costume from CaitlinD:

Caitlin as the Morton Salt Girl

I love how L. Ottaviano included the huge salt container with white yarn pouring out of it. It’s a great touch.

Morton Salt Girl

Our costume theme this year is “Let’s Go To The Movies,” so this costume won’t work for me this year. But next year, I just might do it!


Cool Halloween Makeup

Filed under: Halloween,I Love Makeup! — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I love to see how much of a costume can be made or broken by makeup.

Roy Lichtenstein Costume

All of these makeup jobs are AMAZING, but I wonder how long they would last.

Cool Halloween Makeup from Pick Me!

Remember, when you go to a Halloween party, the makeup needs to last all night, through Red Solo cups and lots of yummy food.

Cool Halloween Makeup from Pick Me!

Past the hugs from friends and the unintentional touches from your own hands and fingers.

Cool Halloween Makeup from Pick Me!

You even have to worry about your costume rubbing it off.

Cool Halloween Makeup from Pick Me!

I ALWAYS do a test run with my costume AND makeup to make sure that they will last the whole party.

Cool Halloween Makeup from Pick Me!

Remember, with all of these photos, you just need to click them to go to the original websites where they came from.

Cool Halloween Makeup from Pick Me!

Happy Haunting!


A Halloween Party from Diamond Rings

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 8:00 am

I love Diamond Rings because his videos totally remind me of the Eighties (totally!), but this video holds a special place in my heart because he portrays Halloween.

The costumes are a lot of fun to spot in this video, especially the haunting visage of Hunter Thompson at the 4:12 mark. The lyrics to Wait and See don’t have anything to do with Halloween, but I love the song anyway just because of the video.

Special Affections by Diamond Rings at Amazon.comI really recommend Special Affections, the album Wait and See is on. It reminds me of an early album by New Order. You can buy it here:


I Love Halloween Episodes on How I Met Your Mother

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Last year, there were a bunch of good costumes on television. You can see some of them here:

Halloween Costume Ideas

I especially love Halloween episodes on How I Met Your Mother. They are so much fun. Here is why Barney loves Halloween:

Here is the Halloween Walk of Shame Parade:

I love this one, too. Flight Suit Up!


Alfred Hitchcock on the River

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Alfred Hitchcock was the all-time best suspense creator!

Hitchcock on the River

Years ago, I went as Tippi Heddren in The Birds.

Laura 2004 from Flickr

I developed that costume myself. I found the dress at a thrift store and made the head dress out of an angel’s halo with the fluff removed and craft store birds on strings. You can actually BUY a costume like it now: When Birds Attack Costume at Amazon.com

When Birds Attack Costume at Amazon.com

I wouldn’t recommend that costume, however. The Halloween party was a never ending barrage of “What are you supposed to be?”

I had never seen the movie, so I rented it so I could analyze her dress and hair. The creepiest scene however didn’t have Tippi Heddren in it. It’s here:

Those broken tea cups hanging in the kitchen caught my eye and filled me with dread. This Halloween, grab some movies by Hitchcock and enjoy the tense suspense!

Hitchcock photo via: YIMMY’S YAYO™


How To Do Zombie Makeup

Filed under: Halloween,I Love Makeup! — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Liquid Latex and Toilet PaperHere are a couple of links to instructions on how to do scary makeup.

This year’s Halloween theme is Scary Monsters, Super Creeps, so I’m going as a mummy and I’m looking for makeup techniques that will look like I have thousand year old skin. Hopefully some of these links will help me.

Update 10-26-11: I tried to the liquid latex and toilet paper method. It didn’t look good on my first try and I probably could have learned how to make it work with a few more trial runs. Unfortunately, my face reacted to the liquid latex. It was itchy, red and sore for a couple of days afterward, so I abandoned that idea for my costume.

The directions for the liquid latex recommended that I do a test on my forearm before using it, which I did, but I didn’t have a reaction. My face, apparently, is FAR more sensitive than the skin on my forearm. Don’t be stupid like me. Do a tiny test on your FACE before spreading that stuff all over. Give it at least thirty minutes to see if there is a reaction at the test site before doing your test run for your Halloween makeup.


Halloween Makeup Transformations from Eve Pearl

Filed under: Halloween,I Love Makeup! — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Eve Pearl is a makeup artist who works at The View. Here is a clip showing how she transformed the crew into a bald biker guy, a Planet of the Apes character, Linda Blair from The Exorcist and Pinhead.

She used real nails for the Pinhead costume. I don’t think that’s all that safe, if you ask me. Can you imagine showing up in the emergency room and having to explain how you injured yourself by trying to make a really cool costume?!


The Face Painting Art of James Kuhn

Filed under: Halloween,I Love Makeup! — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Why just paint your face to look like ONE of the members of Kiss when you can be all four. Check out this video from James Kuhn, face painting artist:

If you’re at a loss for what to do for a costume for Halloween this year, this idea is perfect. Just wear a black turtle neck, black pants, and spray your hair black and the makeup will do the rest!

Here is his version of Miss Piggy and Kermit.

This body builder job is AWESOME!

If you go as this Cyclops, you’ll have to walk around sideways all night at the Halloween party, but you’d be a shoe-in to win the costume prize.

With just a little bit of face makeup, you can be the life of the Halloween party! Make sure you do a couple of test runs before the big night so that you are able to do it without pressure. Good luck!


Steampunk Mrs. Claus

Filed under: Christmas — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

I love this costume made by Twin Roses Designs:

Steampunk Mrs. Claus

This prototype is actually for sale and you can buy it here:

After a Steampunk Halloween, I am almost tempted to have a Steampunk Christmas!


Christmas Cheer from Three Frames

Filed under: Christmas — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

The wonderful three frames blog is celebrating Christmas with three-frame tidbits from a wide array of movies. This one, from White Christmas, is my favorite.

White Christmas from three frames

I love the look on Danny Kaye‘s face. So adorable! This three frame tidbit is taken from this Minstrel Number, which isn’t very Christmasy at all, despite the lovely costumes. Scroll to the 3:22 mark to see the three frames moment.

I’ve had a crush on Danny Kaye since he was on The Muppet Show and sang the song, Inch Worm.

He’s MUCH cuter in White Christmas…


Halloween Party 2009

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 1:49 pm

Steampunk Stacey by LauraMoncur from FlickrThe Halloween Party was a blast! Everyone did such a good job on their costumes. Mike and I were totally blown away. This year’s theme was steampunk and more people followed the theme than ever before! Stacey did an excellent job and this photo of her was the best!

I’m always panicked before the Halloween party, worried that no one will show up. Every guest that arrives makes me happier and happier until I get to a strangely giddy state of intoxication that has NOTHING to do with alcohol. It was a great party this year and I’m so glad we were all able to enjoy it together.

Here are the winners:

Funniest Costume: Jason Alderman as War of the Worlds Alien

Jason Alderman as War of the Worlds Alien by LauraMoncur from Flickr

Scariest Costume: Charlie as a vampire

Vampire Chelsea and Charlie by LauraMoncur from Flickr

Sexiest Costume: Lisa as a steampunk show girl

Steampunk Jake and Lisa by LauraMoncur from Flickr

Best Potluck: Stacey and Dan’s Pumpkin Sloppy Joes (they also made four different kinds of homemade ice cream, but nothing beats sloppy joes in a pumpkin!)

Pumpkin Sloppy Joes by LauraMoncur from Flickr

Beast of Show: Jennifer and Clint for the best steampunk couple

Steampunk Jennifer and Clint by LauraMoncur from Flickr

You can see all the Halloween Party photos here:


Awesome Steampunk Stilts

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Steampunk Stilts by jessicamieko from FlickrI absolutely love the steampunk stilts made by Improbcat from the Pi Convention last August. It almost makes me want to take a trip to Pioneer Valley, Massachusetts just to see all the costumes!

The benefit of being so much taller than everyone else is really appealing to me because I’m pretty short, even for a girl, but the thought of balancing on stilts for an entire convention or even the Halloween party sounds like a nightmare.

Look how much taller he is than his friends:

4Pi Con by jessicamieko from Flickr

Honestly, the entire group looks awesome!

4Pi Con by jessicamieko from Flickr

Great work on costuming, people! Keep it up!


‍Steampunk iPhone Case

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

The truly excellent ‍Meggrs created this awesome steampunk iPhone case for her steampunk costume.

‍Steampunk iPhone Case by Meggrs from Flickr

You can see it in action here:

Here is her description of how she made it:

It’s basically a balsa wood keepsake box from a craft store which I then cut a hole in the front (with a Dremel) for the screen, sanded, stained with oil-based stain, varnished and attached brass hinges and corners from the craft store with screws and glue. The buttons and speaker cover are brass washers from Home Depot.

I’m tempted to try this hack for my own costume because it’s THAT awesome! I especially love the loop for hanging on a belt clip.

Steampunk iPhone Case by Meggrs from Flickr


The Dowager Moncur’s Spectacles Update

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Dowager Moncur's Spectacles by LauraMoncur from FlickrToday, the final installment of The Dowager Moncur’s Spectacles has posted on Steampunk Stories.

Since I wrote an entire story about my Halloween costume, you can imagine how excited I am for the party this Saturday! I hope it goes well!


The Face Makeup Kits

Filed under: General,I Love Makeup! — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

The Face Makeup KitsThese makeup kits from the company called Imagineering, were really popular when I was a kid. They were first released in 1979, but they were in stores for a LONG time. I remember something very similar just last Halloween, actually. It’s surprising to remember that at one time, these things were NEW. They were makeup kits that came with a thin plastic face that glued on and then you put makeup on it and your real face to blend it in.

When it comes to a Halloween party, it’s best to go rather simply with the makeup and special effects. Eating food and drinking drinks can make the best makeup jobs looks silly. Whenever I choose a costume, I always make sure that I don’t have too much on my face. I want to be able to see, talk and eat.

You’d think that it would limit my costume choices, but it hasn’t yet.

Photo via: Plaid Stallions : Rambling and Reflections on 70’s pop culture: Imagineering Introduces the Face


Threadbanger Steampunk Costuming

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

Threadbanger has a detailed tutorial about how to make steampunk clothes.

Indy Mogul has a cool steampunk goggles tutorial here:

More ideas for my steampunk costume.


Steampunk’d Star Wars Characters

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

When I’m putting the finishing touches on my costume this year, I have to remember this:

Steampunk Star Wars

The idea of steam punking Princess Leia is truly awesome. I don’t think I’ll make a costume like this, but it’s definitely something that I can use for ideas.

Update 11-28-09: Here are a couple of pictures of Steampunk’d Star Wars costumes from Outland Armour on Flickr:

Vader and Leia by OutlandArmour from Flickr

Boba Fett VI by OutlandArmour from Flickr

You can see all the photos here:


Werewolf Cupcakes

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 5:00 am

Hello, Cupcake!: Irresistibly Playful Creations Anyone Can Make at Amazon.comFor the last two years, I’ve made Halloween cupcakes for the party. I’ve gotten lots of votes for them, but I don’t end up winning. This book, Hello, Cupcake! has lots of ideas for cool cupcakes to bring to the party, but I don’t think I’m going that route this year.

Tofu and Cupcakes tried the werewolf recipe from this book last year:

The werewolf got rave reviews…but I can tell you that the ones from the book look 100% better than mine! I should have gone with a stiffer icing (like Swiss meringue buttercream), I used Hershey’s “Perfectly Dark” chocolate buttercream. The book detailed a method of the “fur technique” using a regular ziplock bag as a pastry bag. They even used two-toned frosting on theirs.

Her cupcakes look pretty good:

Werewolf Cupcake from Tofu and Cupcakes

Considering how steep the competition is every year for the potluck award, maybe I should put a little more effort into my costume instead.

Via: Craftzine.com blog: Werewolf Cupcakes


Steampunk Gear

Filed under: Halloween — Laura Moncur @ 10:00 am

The thing that distinguishes a Steampunk costume from a Goth or Vampire costume is the GEAR. Here are the essentials.


In the past that never was, it was a very dangerous place. Or, so you would imagine considering the wide array of weaponry. Here is a How-To to make a Steampunk Gun from a Nerf Gun:

Here is my How-To to make a Brass Ray Gun:

Here are ideas for more steampunk weaponry:


For some reason, goggles (or strange eyeglasses) seem to the MOST important feature of a good Steampunk costume. Here is a slideshow from Flickr showing TONS of ideas for goggles:

An Embellished Top Hat

It’s not enough to have a top hat. It has to be embellished in some manner. The easiest way to make your top hat steampunk is to put your goggles on it. Then you don’t have to wear the goggles on your face for the whole party (hot and hides your eyes).


You don’t necessarily need combat boots, but they seem to be a favorite. Spats also help complete the look.


Gear embellishments are the best way to distinguish yourself as Steampunk aristocracy. Here are some ideas for jewelry, clothing and other gear embedded jewelry.

Cameo Jewelry

For the ladies, it’s always nice to have some sort of cameo jewelry.

I especially like my mourning pin from my grandma’s collection of “junk” jewelry. It was perfect for my costume.

Dowager Moncur's Spectacles by LauraMoncur from Flickr

With just a few additions, you can make a boring Victorian costume into a Steampunk costume. Have fun!

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