Economic Survivalism
Lola Jo Lipe by Laura Moncur from Flickr
This is a photo of my grandmother as a young girl during the tail end of the Great Depression. If she could live through that, then so could I, but articles like this make me paranoid:
Here are some great ideas to survive a economic downturn:
- Avoid debt at all costs.
- Get out of your mortgage before the housing market collapses any further.
- Buy some cheap land in a rural area.
- Go off the grid. Get your own power generator or some wind turbines.
- Cultivate some skills that will always be in demand.
- Offshore yourself.
- Invest in the ultimate counter-cyclicals.
- Invest in some Euros, or some other currency that’s not the dollar.
- Have some liquid funds on hand.
- Plant a garden or take part in a community garden in your neighborhood.
- Learn to hunt.
- Stockpile medications.
I was raised by 1970’s Jehovah Witnesses. Armageddon was always around the corner back then. Now, I don’t fear God’s wrath. We humans can make each other far more miserable. I guess I better find some land in the middle of nowhere and a wind turbine…